Author of the memoir, "Where Did My Life Go?"

Author of the memoir, "Where Did My Life Go?"
My FREE short story Memoir Available Worldwide on Amazon and iBooks (Click the Picture Above)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Happy Father's Day !!

To all the Fathers that are there for the kids, thank you!! I never had a chance to know my real father, he was shot and killed with a gun after a drinking binge when I was 6 months old in Miami, Florida and the court ruled it as a justified homicide. After that my Mom decided to move down to Marathon where she worked as a nurse at Fisherman's hospital and married my step father, Donald "Doc" MacDonald when I was 5 years old and he raised me until high school graduation in 1987. He was a tough as nails, no nonsense kind of a guy but he taught me well. After retiring from the Veterans Affairs in Marathon, my step dad passed away in 2002. So for all of you that still have a father living, please don't let them forget or not know that you love them, even if you don't get along, it's a chance I never had and never will have until I see my biological father in Heaven. Thank you Dad for doing the job my Father never could..R.I.P.