Author of the memoir, "Where Did My Life Go?"

Author of the memoir, "Where Did My Life Go?"
My FREE short story Memoir Available Worldwide on Amazon and iBooks (Click the Picture Above)

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Unknown Future Rainstorm Poem

Rainstorm Unknown Future

The rain falls around me
Underneath a empty bus stop
No One can change
The tears seeping in
From the storm
That will never end

Dry for now
But I know from truth
It will begin again
Nobody can change
The weather
Ruled by Mother Nature

A battle begun
But never won
Ride the storm out
One teardrop
At a time
When you need 
Or the very least
To escape your problems
You can't hide
The truth
Is inside

I had the line
But I forgot
Just in time
For you to ridicule me
Tell me I am
Ridiculous Everytime
A tale I Have been told
All my life
That hasn't changed
Like the rain
Before me today

Not a poet
Per se
The words change
In disbelief
Every time I think

Lost in between
The drama
That I see
I don't need

Just trying
To find
A warm place to sleep
In the right frame
Of mind

Everybody else
Out to get over
Somebody else
I ask 

With answers 
I can't find

What is the meaning
Of life
Left behind

Maybe a message 
Unable to decipher
I guess
Only speculation
Will find
The answers
I have no choice
In my current
At the end of the road
We all go down

The end is
The grave
In the same place
We all lay down
One day 
So they say
For eternity

After that
What happens next
Is anybody's guess

I'm not a preacher
Or anyone who claims
To know the afterlife 
When we are gone
From Earth Forever

I only hope
For a family reunion
To see
My parents
Once again

To reminisce 
About the times
We never had

Destiny is
In the hands
Our creator
For sure
Who else
Could do this to us
There is something more
Than none of us
Know about

The reason is there
For us to learn about
For a greater good
Than we could
Ever comprehend
Peace on Earth

Thanks for spell check 

My Mom died
In this hospital 
Nothing could
Take away 
Her saving grace
Left alone
In a empty world 
That I must move along
By myself

I keeping searching for
The unknown future

Friday, October 17, 2014

Facebook I.Q. Test Results and Ending World Hunger

Facebook I.Q. Quiz Results

Borderline Genius!

Did you look at this quiz and say to yourself, “That was easy”? It certainly looks like it based upon your score! Congratulations, you are Borderline Genius! You are the type of person we need solving world hunger – the one who finds solutions where others see challenge. Many people really struggle with these exercises – but not you! You set the bar very high in your social circle when it comes to inherent intelligence, and we hope you are using that intelligence for GOOD! Now, Share this quiz with your friends and let’s see how well they do!

Solving World Hunger - The 1% Solution

Everybody has to give. On a sliding scale.

Even homeless, unemployed hungry people.

People without income have to give 10 cents and then they receive a "Stay Out Of Jail" card for FREE! and continue to pay 10 cents a month. They can pay at any grocery store, convience store or gas station. The attendant must swipe your card to give you credit

Unemployment recipients have to give 1% of every check they get.

Food Stamp recipients have to give/donate 1.00 dollar a month.

People who work have to give 1% of every paycheck every month.

People who get a disability check and/or Social Security check, give 1% of their monthly earnings

People who earn over 20,000 a year must pay 1% of their income, monthly.

Everybody else, even well to do, gazillionaires, must give 1% of liquid assets or bank account balances, whichever is greater, a month, without a tax write off.

Nobody is exempt, Everybody pays their part.

If a law enforcement officer stops you and you don't have your donation card, you will be fined double what you were suppose to pay the first time.

If you don't pay after being fined the first time, you will do time! ..It will be considered a Starvation Violation.

First Offense - 7 days in jail

Second Offense - 14 days in jail

Third Offense - 30 days in jail

Fourth Offense - 60 days in jail

Fifth Offense - 90 days in jail

Sixth Offense - 6 months in jail

Seventh Offense - 1 year in jail

Eighth Offense - We throw away the key. Life Imprisonment!

Ninth Offense - You're not a cat, no nine lives for you, you get the ELECTRIC CHAIR, without a last meal, see how it feels as you gasp for your last breath!!

And you thought Obama was bad...You ain't seen bad yet!!!

I am here to crack the whip!!!!

Love Humanity,

Your one and only,

Poeticdrummer XOXO

Now all this talk has made me hungry.

Brother can you spare a dime?

For a minute of your time?

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Poem Out Of Boredom


I didn't mean to say
What I meant to say 
Or maybe I did
I can't recall
The recollection 
That I might have had

My memory 
Slips away
From me
From time to time
I just thought
I would say

Only if
I could remember
The past times
We once had

People today
Don't know
Our history
Set in stone
Until the end

Could ever
For eternity

Priceless jewel
Sitting alone
He could
Go back
He has
No Chance
To save the day
Once again
Another wrong thing
I didn't mean to say
But the point
Escaped my mind
To really think
I might be wrong
In the right situation
Not enough songs
On the radio
To move my soul
Out the window
Never will know
How far this
Dream will go
Until you hit
The end of the road

-Happy Unemployment Wednesday!!! Wrote this 2 minutes ago...GET IT WHILE IT'S HOT OFF THE SKILLET......FINGER LICKIN' GGOOOOOOOOODDDD!! ...........Let GO, let GOD, DO GOOD!! .........Can I buy a vowel, Pat?
Follow my insanity on Twitter @poeticdrummer or @conchkid or @THCtweet or @halloweenbaby (I'll be 45 on Halloween, don't tell anybody, I already feel old already!) or @bertha_bookman if you want to lose @Freeway2Payday if you want to make money online..I could go on for 25 or so Twitter accounts I "own" but I am tired of typing!!! ....Have a good night and may you escape your nightmares and wake up to your dreams!!