In about 2 hours I will be attending a meeting in Key West to listen to a "homeless expert" speak on how to bring successful solution to the homeless problem in Key West. His name is Robert Marbut, a former White House aide and Texas city councilman. In a quote from the Key West citizen, Thursday, September 22, 2001, Mr. Marbut stated, "I've been to 489 places in 15 states, when I look at that, I'm just shocked at the percent of homeless that Key West has. I don't even know anybody that comes close to it."
According to recent accounts the current estimated homeless population is 3,580(?) in San Antonio, the hometown of the "expert speaker" and 24,000 in Los Angeles.
There are so many "myths, beliefs" whatever you want to call it, from people who have never been homeless before but point out the problem without a solution. Apparently, the speaker today has some solutions that have worked in the past in different cities. And, btw, Key West is a very different city. Unlike any other city I have ever seen and I have traveled throughout the United States and Canada. I've also lived in Ft. Lauderdale, Orlando, San Francisco and Hollywood, California and of course, my hometown that I was raised in since I was 6 months old, Marathon, Florida.
I remember moving in with my brother in San Francisco and let me tell you, it was a culture shock! I had never even seen a homeless person before living in Marathon for the first 18 years of my life. I had never seen a skyscraper, city bus or so many people walking in the city streets. It freaked me out. While walking around with my brother and his lover as they showed me around my new city, a guy sitting on the street asked me for a quarter, so being the generous person that I am, I reached into my pocket to find a quarter and I handed to him. My brothers' lover said, "Don't do that, just walk by and ignore those people." That was my first homeless encounter. Who would of thought that 10 years after, I would be just like that man, homeless. I mean I got a job in San Francisco as a walking messenger for the 5th largest law firm in the United States (they represented Chevron) and working there for almost 2 years, my job was replaced by an outside company so the law firm could save money and I was terminated. I was devastated and I loved my job, some fellow employees had been there for over 20 years!! They fired the whole mail room and messenger department which probably had 40 employees. I was doing everything right, I had a job, an apartment all to myself, credit cards, Macy's, Mastercard, Visa, you name it, life was good and I just turned 21. Then that fateful mandatory meeting at 4 o'clock in 1991, a job no longer but my bills were still there. They didn't go away as quickly as my job did. I filed and received unemployment but it wasn't enough to even pay the rent. In 3 months, I was evicted and I was essentially homeless.
I have learned that no matter how good things may seem, they can be taken away in a New York minute, even if you're doing everything you are supposed to do. I have heard quite a few stories from people who have become homeless and the stories vary dramatically. Anywhere from I had a house, 3 kids and a wife and I caught my wife, red handed, cheating on me with my best friend and I took off and left EVERYTHING to my wife to my parents died and left me with NOTHING.
Now, there are all kinds of homeless people from my observation, I will try and breakdown to explain what I see on an everyday basis at KOTS (Key West homeless shelter) and on the street.
This is my observation and even assumption, if you will, this is not scientific proof!
I would say first, there are some KOTS patrons (?) that receive a check from Social Security or Disability every month. I don't know everybody who gets one but from the ones I know, seem to like KOTS and are content with receiving a check and living at KOTS and they show no signs of getting a place of their own. Most drink and blow all of their money within 2 weeks and cry the blues another 2 weeks until they get their check again and then they are on top of the world again.
Second kind of KOTS patron, there are some, very few, that actually don't like staying at KOTS and are actively seeking work and want to get out of the situation they are in. OR some want/need work and sometimes get it, but it's not enough to get a place and/or like staying at KOTS, because they don't have to pay rent.
Close Encounters of the Third Kind, are the "wacked out of their mind" people that seriously need mental help. They need to build an asylum or give these people their medication. I'm not trying to judge people, this is merely an observation, a better one than someone who doesn't stay or has never stayed at KOTS.
You need to acknowledge the problem before you can find a solution. Turning your head or ignoring people, acting like there is no problem is the first problem.
I personally can't stand people putting down the homeless, knowing NOTHING about their particular circumstances. That's like me saying, all the people who have expensive brand new cars and homes are snooty, stuck up, greedy and don't care about anyone but themselves. For some, that may hold true, but that's an assumption that would be ignorant on my part.
Some of the comments I read in the "Citizens Voice" column of the Key West Citizen newspaper are attacks on the "bums" saying "Get A Job". Ignorant rants, if you ask me, but who am I, I'm just a homeless person who needs a job. But my rebuttal is, how do you get a job when you need a haircut and you have no phone? Without a dime in your pocket, no income whatsoever. I am forever grateful for the St. Mary's soup kitchen that feeds the needy everyday at 4 o'clock without fail, one of the few things I can count on and my food stamp card. At least I won't go hungry while looking for a job. Thank you to the Salvation Army for providing free clothes, so I can look presentable for a possible interview. It's little things other people who have a home and money take for granted or overlook. It sounds simple but people tend to forget little things, like a razor. The sad part is, I can't even buy a razor, I sometimes get lucky and get one from the food bank but you never know, it's a lucky crap shoot.
As far as crime and safety, I have yet to hear of a homeless mugging or robbing somebody. For the most part, homeless people are harmless except for the occasional asshole that aggressively panhandles. There are exceptions, as with any class of human being, rich or poor. From what I have seen, homeless get busted for trespassing, (there's not many places in Key West that are NOT trespassing)my favorite drinking in public or open container, listed on the sheriff's arrest log as municipal ordinance violation,(some idiots deserve going to jail for 30 days for drinking a beer in public, wide open, they don't try to conceal it in anyway)petite theft from a store, or probation violation. One exception is when a fellow KOTS shelter mate killed my friend, also a KOTS shelter mate, last year with a hammer, there are exceptions, but few. For the most part though, the bum just wants money for beer and cigarettes.
Well, I have to go to this meeting to cure homelessness...can wait to hear what people have to say and hear their solutions...this is better than a movie..pass the popcorn..I will report some of the "bright ideas" to get rid of the homeless problem and of course, express my opinion.
Until then, save the homeless...the population is GROWING in the direction opposite of extinction! P.S. KOTS is filled to capacity every night and it's not even season yet!!! Can't wait til winter...BUUUUURRRRR
Here's a poem I wrote a while back, it seems appropriate now.
Ó Kevin Dale Sanders -January 8th, 2007
Well, I just got back from the "homeless" meeting and found 3 of my KOTS shelter mates there and nobody else who were homeless that I know of but all of the homeless help organizations were represented it seemed.
Mr. Marut had some great ideas that have worked in other areas of the United States very well. In fact, he mentioned one city that had virtually cleared the streets of any homeless people, which is astounding. Can it work in Key West? His program implementation centered around having one central place to take care of all the needs of the homeless, like a homeless aid compound, where you sleep, eat and get counseling under one roof. It had a merit kind of system with rewards and consequences that seem like it could work. I was going to ask a couple of questions but the meeting had run it's time limit. I was going to ask, "how do you deal with the people who receive a check every month and are happy being homeless and don't want or need to work?" My second was going to be, this is near and dear to my heart, "What do you do to people that come in drunk?" (I'm a happy drunk by the way that doesn't cause any problems unless you piss me off, of course) And he did mention something about "if you blow or test "dirty", you have consequences" but he didn't elude to what that consequence would be. I was wondering if it was abstinent of alcohol altogether or if you could blow a .04 and not be punished. He also mentioned, and I agree, that putting people in jail for being drunk or trespassing is not going to solve any problem, and I believe, it will and is now a perpetual, vicious cycle that doesn't help anybody and waste taxpayers money. In and out of jail, over and over again. Sounds like insanity to me. Although I have heard that the jail gets money from state funding based on how many inmates they have. Again, I have only heard of this and do not know it to be true. There's that root of all evil again, ruling the minds of the money hungry at the expense of those in need.
I think the hardest obstacle that is faced to have this program come to fruition is finding a spot to put this "all assistance under one roof" concept somewhere in Key West, nobody wants to be close to the homeless. The uneducated think that being close to a homeless shelter drives down property values but in fact,according to the speaker, from other areas that this program was implemented, the property values actually went UP !!! So I think if Key West can convince the public and show the amount of savings with this new shelter concept, it might just happen but you really have to educate a few ignorant people who think they know it all. That for some reason, at least from my point of view, is a BIG problem in Key West, people who think they know all the answers but are unwilling to listen and work together. It seems to me, some people want all the glory but fail to back up what they are saying or just like to hear themselves talk. "One agency may think it can help the homeless better than others" is one of the problems the speaker mentioned in past organization of other shelter programs, instead of working together, they want all the glory to themselves,Greed! Who is better? Which religion is right? Republican or Democrat? This homeless problem affects us all as a community and it affects democrats, republicans,... even rich people with fancy cars and nice houses. I suggest people to put their egos in their pocket, put their money where their mouth is and search for a solution to a problem you can't sweep under the rug and act like nothing is wrong. Wake up and take action! I'm doing my part, I'm homeless, I'm the problem, you would have nothing to solve if it wasn't for I just looked at the clock and I missed the soup kitchen and I have 77 cents on my food stamp card until October 7th. Oh well, I had to vent and share my point of view to whoever is reading this, feel free to share and spread the word!
I'm homeless, not hopeless!
Until the library opens again or I find an internet connection, this is the poeticdrummer signing off...
P.S.S. I have listed some of my affiliate links below, for those that don't know, I am trying to make money online and this is how I do it, and if you sign up to anyone of the bottom links, I will make money and you will too, if you wish to promote. God Bless The U.S.
I have real estate all over the world wide web, I just can't sleep there at night!!
This is the easiest and doesn't cost you any money and potential for you to make a lot of money
For Twitter Fanatics (Follow me @conchkid)
Build a website for you or somebody else
Make a Storefront, Make Money Selling Stuff
25 dollars gets you a lot of website creation education
See,.. I've been working, I just haven't been getting paid, help a brotha out, man!!
I'm not looking for a hand out, just a little help!
Thanks for your thoughtfulness and patronage!! Cheers to OUR success! I sound like one of those "gurus", it's rubbing off......
Friday, September 23, 2011
Friday, September 2, 2011
Livin Da Vida Homelesso.......A Happy Ending Vicariously
It's about 3:27AM and I have left K.O.T.S. for the night or morning, I should say. I think I slept a total of 2 hours.BECAUSE, I have to sleep along side derelicts with fucked up sleeping habits. On top of that, it rained really hard and long last night at K.O.T.S. luckily I got the last bunk inside although the roof still leaked slowly onto different parts of my body covered by the thin pink sheet provided to me. It gave me a sense of what water boarding would be like and I don't mean out on the ocean, I mean the torture technique. But I still managed to get a decent night's sleep. I was thankfully for not being outside. Now to explain, there are 4 enclosed barracks that house 26 people per barrack, once they are filled up, the rest of the less fortunate sleep outside on the same 2 inch thick green 2 foot by 7 foot mattress used inside.In the back side lays about 15 mats under a white tarp that hangs down about 5 feet off the ground. When it rains, you don't get wet but that is determined by the wind, and of course that too has a drip leak on certain mats, again, of course, on the spot I chose. That's just my luck. I could win a prize if losing was the goal of winning.
Anyway, I miss the rain storm the night before but when I came in last night, I was stuck with picking a spot outside and I have learned that number 10 is the best because it is one mattress over from the edge and the amber streetlight doesn't shine in your eyes all night. But last night I got a mat on number 10 but it was soaked with water, the surface was dry but the internal part of the mattress had sucked up the water from the night before like a sponge. So I tried to go to sleep, unbeknownst to me that, there's water in them there hills, uh..mattresses.After a shower, I slept for about an hour, woke up and my shorts were wet and believe you me, it wasn't a wet dream. I even had a thick pink blanket under me. So I said, O.K. there's nothing I can do, I can live with being wet, deal with it. Then almost entering rem again, those pesky little fuckin mosquitoes decide they are hungry for blood, and of course, mine is the sweetest one, or so it seems at the time while everybody else is snoring away with their little pipe dreams except for this one asshole next to me whom I have never seen before, starts tossin' and turnin', he still has his boots on and every fuckin 2 minutes shuffles his feet across the green vinyl mattress, making a sound like zipping up a zipper on a tent. His legs went up and down every 2 friggin minutes, which drove me nuts!! Back and forth, non stop, all night, into the morning. I can't change spots because KOTS is full, so I am trapped between him, the mosquitoes and the wet mattress. It's 2 AM, I go out to the common area and smoke my last cigarette er... little cheap cigar that look like cigarettes but are 4 times cheaper, a real pack of cigarette for 4 bucks versus 1 dollar for a pack of 305 cigars, the new official smoke of the homeless, thanks to the tax hike in regular cigarettes.I finish my cigaro and I go back to my boat, I mean,my mattress and try to get some kind of sleep, to no avail. The motherfucker next to me is still squirming and the mosquitoes are still swarming. So I lay there defenseless, wondering what am I going to do. I laid there for an hour and said fuck this, I'm out of cigarettes and I can't sleep. I picked up my shit, left KOTS and headed to the gas station on my bike without any lights, where I know they have my cheap cigarettes and bought a Natty Ice because it was still before 4 and I had a dollar and change and 1.34 on my debit card.
And here I am, typing in the dark at a bus stop across the street from McDonald's where I can pick up WiFi for free, especially at 4 in the morning, only knowing 2 people that will read this and that would be Terra (my former bosses roommate) and my KOTS shelter mate, Bobby. Good Morning, Terra and Bobby! I guess it's better than cell mate. Other than that, it's weird writing what I have been through and not knowing in the whole wide world who will come across this. I don't promote it, maybe on Facebook, but it's cathartic. If anything, I like doing it, I do this because I want to, I don't get paid to do it,...yet!
Shift from sleep deprived pissed off to something I had a chance to do for somebody that I will never be able to do until the day I die,... I can only hope.
I met this guy at KOTS about a month a go.
He kind of looks like a gold miner with a bandana without the hat or gold.
He calls himself, Murphy, and has a personality between Yosemite Sam and Foghorn Leghorn and walks like he needs a cane.
He claims, "he from a country called, Texas" his words, not mine. And always asks the question in a fast, slurred tempo depending on how much Vodka he's had to drink, "whatchu gonna be when you grow up, boy?" and "Is you a vet?" He served in Vietnam.
Anyway, how or who. He found out his son, who he hasn't seen since his son was about 3 years old, was on Facebook. The guy who told Murphy didn't stay long at KOTS, so I told Murphy I would try and contact his son through Facebook just give me your son's name, so he did and the hunt was on. I found his son and tried to become friends with him so I could give him the message that his father was looking for him.
His son confirmed me as a friend an sent a message to me asking, "Who are you and how do you know me?"
I replied, "Well, I stay at a homeless shelter in Florida and I met your father there and he found out you were on Facebook and since he doesn't know how to use the computer too good, he told me your name and he asked me to send you a message to see if he could get in contact with you. I'm just trying to help."
I got no reply from Murphy's son
So I shot out another message that read, "Your father wanted me to ask you if you had a phone number that he could reach you at"
4 days later I got a reply with simply his son's telephone number.
I gave it to Murphy and he called his son and they talked for an hour and a half.
It does my heart good to know that at least Murphy had a chance to reunite with his son because I will never get that chance with my own biological father because he was shot to death when I was 6 months old.
I mean, I am by no means Oprah Winfrey, but it is cool to see somebody get a chance to see or at least talk to, a long lost family member, in this case a father and son.
Okay, on that note, the sun is rising and the roosters are crowing...
Ab,ab,ab,ab....that's all folks!!!!
It's about 3:27AM and I have left K.O.T.S. for the night or morning, I should say. I think I slept a total of 2 hours.BECAUSE, I have to sleep along side derelicts with fucked up sleeping habits. On top of that, it rained really hard and long last night at K.O.T.S. luckily I got the last bunk inside although the roof still leaked slowly onto different parts of my body covered by the thin pink sheet provided to me. It gave me a sense of what water boarding would be like and I don't me out on the ocean, I mean the torture technique. But I still managed to get a decent night's sleep. I was thankfully for not being outside. Now to explain, there are 4 enclosed barracks that house 26 people per barrack, once they are filled up, the rest of the less fortunate sleep outside on the same 2 inch thick green 2 foot by 7 foot mattress used inside.In the back side lays about 15 mats under a white tarp that hangs down about 5 feet off the ground. When it rains, you don't get wet but that is determined by the wind, and of course that too has a drip leak on certain mats, again, of course, on the spot I chose. That's just my luck. I could win a prize if losing was the goal of winning. Anyway, I miss the rain storm the night before but when I came in last night, I was stuck with picking a spot outside and I have learned that number 10 is the best because it is one mattress over from the edge and the amber streetlight doesn't shine in your eyes all night. But last night I got a mat on number 10 but it was soaked with water, the surface was dry but the internal part of the mattress had sucked up the water from the night before like a sponge. So I try to go to sleep, unbeknownst to me that, there's water in them there hills, uh..mattresses.After a shower, I slept for about an hour, woke up and my shorts were wet and believe you me, it wasn't a wet dream. I even had a thick pink blanket under me. So I said, O.K. there's nothing I can do, I can live with being wet, deal with it. Then almost entering rem again, so pesky little fuckin mosquitoes decide they are hungry for blood, and of course, mine is the sweetest one, or so it seems at the time while everybody else is snoring away with their little pipe dreams except for this one asshole next to me whom I have never seen before starts tossin' and turnin', he still has his boots on and every fuckin 2 minutes shuffles his feet across the green vinyl mattress, making a sound like zipping up a zipper on a tent. His legs went up and down every 2 friggin minutes, which drove me nuts!! Back and forth, non stop all night into the morning. I can change spots because KOTS is full, so I am trapped between him, the mosquitoes and the wet mattress. It's 2 AM, I go out to the common area and smoke my last cigarette er... little cheap cigar that look like cigarettes but are 4 times cheaper, a real pack of cigarette for 4 bucks versus 1 dollar for a pack of 305 cigars, the new official smoke of the homeless, thanks to the tax hike in regular cigarettes.I finish my cigaro and I go back to my boat, I mean,my mattress and try to get some kind of sleep, to no avail. The motherfucker next to me is still squirming and the mosquitoes are still swarming. So I lay there defenseless, wondering what am I going to do. I laid there for an hour and said fuck this I'm out of cigarettes and I can't sleep. I picked up my shit, left KOTS and headed to the gas station on my bike without any lights, where I know they have my cheap cigarettes and bought a Natty Ice because it was still before 4 and I had a dollar and change and 1.34 on my debit card. And here I am, typing in the dark at a bus stop across the street from McDonald's where I can pick up WiFi for free, especially at 4 in the morning, only knowing 2 people that will read this and that would be Terra (my former bosses roommate) and my KOTS shelter mate, Bobby. Good Morning, Terra and Bobby! I guess it's better than cell mate. Other than that, it's weird writing what I have been through and not knowing in the whole wide world who will come across this. I don't promote it, maybe on Facebook, but it's cathartic. If anything, I like doing it, I do this because I want to, I don't get paid to do it,...yet!
Shift from sleep deprived pissed off to something I had a chance to do for somebody that I will never be able to do until the day I die,... I can only hope.
I met this guy at KOTS about a month a go.
He kind of looks like a gold miner with a bandana without the hat or gold.
He calls himself, Murphy, and has a personality between Yosemite Sam and Foghorn Leghorn and walks like he needs a cane. He claims, "he from a country called, Texas" his words not mine. And always asks the question in a fast, slurred tempo depending on how much Vodka he's had to drink, "whatchu gonna be when you grow up, boy?" and "Is you a vet?" He served in Vietnam. Anyway, how or who. He found out his son, who he hasn't seen since his son was about 3 years old, was on Facebook. The guy who told Murphy didn't stay long at KOTS, so I told Murphy I would try and contact his son through Facebook just give me your son's name, so he did and the hunt was on. I found his son and tried to become friends with him so I could give him the message that his father was looking for him.
His son confirmed me as a friend an sent a message to me asking, "Who are you and how do you know me?"
I replied, "Well, I stay at a homeless shelter in Florida and I met your father there and he found out you were on Facebook and since he doesn't know how to use the computer too good, he told me your name and he asked me to send you a message to see if he could get in contact with you. I'm just trying to help."
I got no reply from Murphy's son
So I shot out another message that read, "Your father wanted me to ask you if you had a phone number that he could reach you at"
4 days later I got a reply with simply his son's telephone number.
I gave it to Murphy and he called his son and they talked for an hour and a half.
It does my heart good to know that at least Murphy had a chance to reunite with his son because I will never get that chance with my own biological father because he was shot to death when I was 6 months old.
I mean, I am by no means Oprah Winfrey, but it is cool to see somebody get a chance to see or at least talk to, a long lost family member, in this case a father and son.
Okay, on that note, the sun is rising and the roosters are crowing...
Ab,ab,ab,ab....that's all folks!!!! Check out my video.."The Rooster Goes...."
Anyway, I miss the rain storm the night before but when I came in last night, I was stuck with picking a spot outside and I have learned that number 10 is the best because it is one mattress over from the edge and the amber streetlight doesn't shine in your eyes all night. But last night I got a mat on number 10 but it was soaked with water, the surface was dry but the internal part of the mattress had sucked up the water from the night before like a sponge. So I tried to go to sleep, unbeknownst to me that, there's water in them there hills, uh..mattresses.After a shower, I slept for about an hour, woke up and my shorts were wet and believe you me, it wasn't a wet dream. I even had a thick pink blanket under me. So I said, O.K. there's nothing I can do, I can live with being wet, deal with it. Then almost entering rem again, those pesky little fuckin mosquitoes decide they are hungry for blood, and of course, mine is the sweetest one, or so it seems at the time while everybody else is snoring away with their little pipe dreams except for this one asshole next to me whom I have never seen before, starts tossin' and turnin', he still has his boots on and every fuckin 2 minutes shuffles his feet across the green vinyl mattress, making a sound like zipping up a zipper on a tent. His legs went up and down every 2 friggin minutes, which drove me nuts!! Back and forth, non stop, all night, into the morning. I can't change spots because KOTS is full, so I am trapped between him, the mosquitoes and the wet mattress. It's 2 AM, I go out to the common area and smoke my last cigarette er... little cheap cigar that look like cigarettes but are 4 times cheaper, a real pack of cigarette for 4 bucks versus 1 dollar for a pack of 305 cigars, the new official smoke of the homeless, thanks to the tax hike in regular cigarettes.I finish my cigaro and I go back to my boat, I mean,my mattress and try to get some kind of sleep, to no avail. The motherfucker next to me is still squirming and the mosquitoes are still swarming. So I lay there defenseless, wondering what am I going to do. I laid there for an hour and said fuck this, I'm out of cigarettes and I can't sleep. I picked up my shit, left KOTS and headed to the gas station on my bike without any lights, where I know they have my cheap cigarettes and bought a Natty Ice because it was still before 4 and I had a dollar and change and 1.34 on my debit card.
And here I am, typing in the dark at a bus stop across the street from McDonald's where I can pick up WiFi for free, especially at 4 in the morning, only knowing 2 people that will read this and that would be Terra (my former bosses roommate) and my KOTS shelter mate, Bobby. Good Morning, Terra and Bobby! I guess it's better than cell mate. Other than that, it's weird writing what I have been through and not knowing in the whole wide world who will come across this. I don't promote it, maybe on Facebook, but it's cathartic. If anything, I like doing it, I do this because I want to, I don't get paid to do it,...yet!
Shift from sleep deprived pissed off to something I had a chance to do for somebody that I will never be able to do until the day I die,... I can only hope.
I met this guy at KOTS about a month a go.
He kind of looks like a gold miner with a bandana without the hat or gold.
He calls himself, Murphy, and has a personality between Yosemite Sam and Foghorn Leghorn and walks like he needs a cane.
He claims, "he from a country called, Texas" his words, not mine. And always asks the question in a fast, slurred tempo depending on how much Vodka he's had to drink, "whatchu gonna be when you grow up, boy?" and "Is you a vet?" He served in Vietnam.
Anyway, how or who. He found out his son, who he hasn't seen since his son was about 3 years old, was on Facebook. The guy who told Murphy didn't stay long at KOTS, so I told Murphy I would try and contact his son through Facebook just give me your son's name, so he did and the hunt was on. I found his son and tried to become friends with him so I could give him the message that his father was looking for him.
His son confirmed me as a friend an sent a message to me asking, "Who are you and how do you know me?"
I replied, "Well, I stay at a homeless shelter in Florida and I met your father there and he found out you were on Facebook and since he doesn't know how to use the computer too good, he told me your name and he asked me to send you a message to see if he could get in contact with you. I'm just trying to help."
I got no reply from Murphy's son
So I shot out another message that read, "Your father wanted me to ask you if you had a phone number that he could reach you at"
4 days later I got a reply with simply his son's telephone number.
I gave it to Murphy and he called his son and they talked for an hour and a half.
It does my heart good to know that at least Murphy had a chance to reunite with his son because I will never get that chance with my own biological father because he was shot to death when I was 6 months old.
I mean, I am by no means Oprah Winfrey, but it is cool to see somebody get a chance to see or at least talk to, a long lost family member, in this case a father and son.
Okay, on that note, the sun is rising and the roosters are crowing...
Ab,ab,ab,ab....that's all folks!!!!
It's about 3:27AM and I have left K.O.T.S. for the night or morning, I should say. I think I slept a total of 2 hours.BECAUSE, I have to sleep along side derelicts with fucked up sleeping habits. On top of that, it rained really hard and long last night at K.O.T.S. luckily I got the last bunk inside although the roof still leaked slowly onto different parts of my body covered by the thin pink sheet provided to me. It gave me a sense of what water boarding would be like and I don't me out on the ocean, I mean the torture technique. But I still managed to get a decent night's sleep. I was thankfully for not being outside. Now to explain, there are 4 enclosed barracks that house 26 people per barrack, once they are filled up, the rest of the less fortunate sleep outside on the same 2 inch thick green 2 foot by 7 foot mattress used inside.In the back side lays about 15 mats under a white tarp that hangs down about 5 feet off the ground. When it rains, you don't get wet but that is determined by the wind, and of course that too has a drip leak on certain mats, again, of course, on the spot I chose. That's just my luck. I could win a prize if losing was the goal of winning. Anyway, I miss the rain storm the night before but when I came in last night, I was stuck with picking a spot outside and I have learned that number 10 is the best because it is one mattress over from the edge and the amber streetlight doesn't shine in your eyes all night. But last night I got a mat on number 10 but it was soaked with water, the surface was dry but the internal part of the mattress had sucked up the water from the night before like a sponge. So I try to go to sleep, unbeknownst to me that, there's water in them there hills, uh..mattresses.After a shower, I slept for about an hour, woke up and my shorts were wet and believe you me, it wasn't a wet dream. I even had a thick pink blanket under me. So I said, O.K. there's nothing I can do, I can live with being wet, deal with it. Then almost entering rem again, so pesky little fuckin mosquitoes decide they are hungry for blood, and of course, mine is the sweetest one, or so it seems at the time while everybody else is snoring away with their little pipe dreams except for this one asshole next to me whom I have never seen before starts tossin' and turnin', he still has his boots on and every fuckin 2 minutes shuffles his feet across the green vinyl mattress, making a sound like zipping up a zipper on a tent. His legs went up and down every 2 friggin minutes, which drove me nuts!! Back and forth, non stop all night into the morning. I can change spots because KOTS is full, so I am trapped between him, the mosquitoes and the wet mattress. It's 2 AM, I go out to the common area and smoke my last cigarette er... little cheap cigar that look like cigarettes but are 4 times cheaper, a real pack of cigarette for 4 bucks versus 1 dollar for a pack of 305 cigars, the new official smoke of the homeless, thanks to the tax hike in regular cigarettes.I finish my cigaro and I go back to my boat, I mean,my mattress and try to get some kind of sleep, to no avail. The motherfucker next to me is still squirming and the mosquitoes are still swarming. So I lay there defenseless, wondering what am I going to do. I laid there for an hour and said fuck this I'm out of cigarettes and I can't sleep. I picked up my shit, left KOTS and headed to the gas station on my bike without any lights, where I know they have my cheap cigarettes and bought a Natty Ice because it was still before 4 and I had a dollar and change and 1.34 on my debit card. And here I am, typing in the dark at a bus stop across the street from McDonald's where I can pick up WiFi for free, especially at 4 in the morning, only knowing 2 people that will read this and that would be Terra (my former bosses roommate) and my KOTS shelter mate, Bobby. Good Morning, Terra and Bobby! I guess it's better than cell mate. Other than that, it's weird writing what I have been through and not knowing in the whole wide world who will come across this. I don't promote it, maybe on Facebook, but it's cathartic. If anything, I like doing it, I do this because I want to, I don't get paid to do it,...yet!
Shift from sleep deprived pissed off to something I had a chance to do for somebody that I will never be able to do until the day I die,... I can only hope.
I met this guy at KOTS about a month a go.
He kind of looks like a gold miner with a bandana without the hat or gold.
He calls himself, Murphy, and has a personality between Yosemite Sam and Foghorn Leghorn and walks like he needs a cane. He claims, "he from a country called, Texas" his words not mine. And always asks the question in a fast, slurred tempo depending on how much Vodka he's had to drink, "whatchu gonna be when you grow up, boy?" and "Is you a vet?" He served in Vietnam. Anyway, how or who. He found out his son, who he hasn't seen since his son was about 3 years old, was on Facebook. The guy who told Murphy didn't stay long at KOTS, so I told Murphy I would try and contact his son through Facebook just give me your son's name, so he did and the hunt was on. I found his son and tried to become friends with him so I could give him the message that his father was looking for him.
His son confirmed me as a friend an sent a message to me asking, "Who are you and how do you know me?"
I replied, "Well, I stay at a homeless shelter in Florida and I met your father there and he found out you were on Facebook and since he doesn't know how to use the computer too good, he told me your name and he asked me to send you a message to see if he could get in contact with you. I'm just trying to help."
I got no reply from Murphy's son
So I shot out another message that read, "Your father wanted me to ask you if you had a phone number that he could reach you at"
4 days later I got a reply with simply his son's telephone number.
I gave it to Murphy and he called his son and they talked for an hour and a half.
It does my heart good to know that at least Murphy had a chance to reunite with his son because I will never get that chance with my own biological father because he was shot to death when I was 6 months old.
I mean, I am by no means Oprah Winfrey, but it is cool to see somebody get a chance to see or at least talk to, a long lost family member, in this case a father and son.
Okay, on that note, the sun is rising and the roosters are crowing...
Ab,ab,ab,ab....that's all folks!!!! Check out my video.."The Rooster Goes...."
Livin Da Vida Homelesso.......A Happy Ending Vicariously
It's about 3:27AM and I have left K.O.T.S. for the night or morning, I should say. I think I slept a total of 2hours.BECAUSE, I have to sleep along side derelicts with fucked up sleeping habits. On top of that, it rained really hard and long last night at K.O.T.S. luckily I got the last bunk inside although the roof still leaked slowly onto different parts of my body covered by the thin pink sheet provided to me. It gave me a sense of what water boarding would be like and I don't me out on the ocean, I mean the torture technique. But I still managed to get a decent night's sleep. I was thankfully for not being outside. Now to explain, there are 4 enclosed barracks that house 26 people per barrack, once they are filled up, the rest of the less fortunate sleep outside on the same 2 inch thick green 2 foot by 7 foot mattress used inside.In the back side lays about 15 mats under a white tarp that hangs down about 5 feet off the ground. When it rains, you don't get wet but that is determined by the wind, and of course that too has a drip leak on certain mats, again, of course, on the spot I chose. That's just my luck. I could win a prize if losing was the goal of winning. Anyway, I miss the rain storm the night before but when I came in last night, I was stuck with picking a spot outside and I have learned that number 10 is the best because it is one mattress over from the edge and the amber streetlight doesn't shine in your eyes all night. But last night I got a mat on number 10 but it was soaked with water, the surface was dry but the internal part of the mattress had sucked up the water from the night before like a sponge. So I try to go to sleep, unbeknownst to me that, there's water in them there hills, uh..mattresses.After a shower, I slept for about an hour, woke up and my shorts were wet and believe you me, it wasn't a wet dream. I even had a thick pink blanket under me. So I said, O.K. there's nothing I can do, I can live with being wet, deal with it. Then almost entering rem again, so pesky little fuckin mosquitoes decide they are hungry for blood, and of course, mine is the sweetest one, or so it seems at the time while everybody else is snoring away with their little pipe dreams except for this one asshole next to me whom I have never seen before starts tossin' and turnin', he still has his boots on and every fuckin 2 minutes shuffles his feet across the green vinyl mattress, making a sound like zipping up a zipper on a tent. His legs went up and down every 2 friggin minutes, which drove me nuts!! Back and forth, non stop all night into the morning. I can change spots because KOTS is full, so I am trapped between him, the mosquitoes and the wet mattress. It's 2 AM, I go out to the common area and smoke my last cigarette er... little cheap cigar that look like cigarettes but are 4 times cheaper, a real pack of cigarette for 4 bucks versus 1 dollar for a pack of 305 cigars, the new official smoke of the homeless, thanks to the tax hike in regular cigarettes.I finish my cigaro and I go back to my boat, I mean,my mattress and try to get some kind of sleep, to no avail. The motherfucker next to me is still squirming and the mosquitoes are still swarming. So I lay there defenseless, wondering what am I going to do. I laid there for an hour and said fuck this I'm out of cigarettes and I can't sleep. I picked up my shit, left KOTS and headed to the gas station on my bike without any lights, where I know they have my cheap cigarettes and bought a Natty Ice because it was still before 4 and I had a dollar and change and 1.34 on my debit card. And here I am, typing in the dark at a bus stop across the street from McDonald's where I can pick up WiFi for free, especially at 4 in the morning, only knowing 2 people that will read this and that would be Terra (my former bosses roommate) and my KOTS shelter mate, Bobby. Good Morning, Terra and Bobby! I guess it's better than cell mate. Other than that, it's weird writing what I have been through and not knowing in the whole wide world who will come across this. I don't promote it, maybe on Facebook, but it's cathartic. If anything, I like doing it, I do this because I want to, I don't get paid to do it,...yet!
Shift from sleep deprived pissed off to something I had a chance to do for somebody that I will never be able to do until the day I die,... I can only hope.
I met this guy at KOTS about a month a go.
He kind of looks like a gold miner with a bandana without the hat or gold.
He calls himself, Murphy, and has a personality between Yosemite Sam and Foghorn Leghorn and walks like he needs a cane. He claims, "he from a country called, Texas" his words not mine. And always asks the question in a fast, slurred tempo depending on how much Vodka he's had to drink, "whatchu gonna be when you grow up, boy?" and "Is you a vet?" He served in Vietnam. Anyway, how or who. He found out his son, who he hasn't seen since his son was about 3 years old, was on Facebook. The guy who told Murphy didn't stay long at KOTS, so I told Murphy I would try and contact his son through Facebook just give me your son's name, so he did and the hunt was on. I found his son and tried to become friends with him so I could give him the message that his father was looking for him.
His son confirmed me as a friend an sent a message to me asking, "Who are you and how do you know me?"
I replied, "Well, I stay at a homeless shelter in Florida and I met your father there and he found out you were on Facebook and since he doesn't know how to use the computer too good, he told me your name and he asked me to send you a message to see if he could get in contact with you. I'm just trying to help."
I got no reply from Murphy's son
Shift from sleep deprived pissed off to something I had a chance to do for somebody that I will never be able to do until the day I die,... I can only hope.
I met this guy at KOTS about a month a go.
He kind of looks like a gold miner with a bandana without the hat or gold.
He calls himself, Murphy, and has a personality between Yosemite Sam and Foghorn Leghorn and walks like he needs a cane. He claims, "he from a country called, Texas" his words not mine. And always asks the question in a fast, slurred tempo depending on how much Vodka he's had to drink, "whatchu gonna be when you grow up, boy?" and "Is you a vet?" He served in Vietnam. Anyway, how or who. He found out his son, who he hasn't seen since his son was about 3 years old, was on Facebook. The guy who told Murphy didn't stay long at KOTS, so I told Murphy I would try and contact his son through Facebook just give me your son's name, so he did and the hunt was on. I found his son and tried to become friends with him so I could give him the message that his father was looking for him.
His son confirmed me as a friend an sent a message to me asking, "Who are you and how do you know me?"
I replied, "Well, I stay at a homeless shelter in Florida and I met your father there and he found out you were on Facebook and since he doesn't know how to use the computer too good, he told me your name and he asked me to send you a message to see if he could get in contact with you. I'm just trying to help."
I got no reply from Murphy's son
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