I got my 32GB iPad 4 with Retina display yesterday and I must say, it's better than any slice of bread known to man. I am on top of the world. It was a long arduous wait but it was worth every minute! I am alive again with a feeling I have my power back with my music and HD videos. I am a powerful man once again. I am waiting for Crazy Larry to show up at the library as I download the documentary "History of the Eagles" which of course, I can't wait to see. The damn thing is 3 hours long and 9 GBs, glad I got the 32 GB iPad that doesn't expand but I know from experience it's better than any android for any price. Apple has the BEST products..PERIOD!..and I am not selling anything or being paid to say that...I created a new YouTube channel entitled "CrazyLarryShow" which should be a hoot! Rumor has it that he used to be a college professor. He denies the charges but he's a smart as f!ck homeless Jew from New York that has lived in my hometown of Marathon for years. Very entertaining without even trying. All the local cops know him and he is friends with Bill Bravo, a DJ at WEOW 92.7 radio station in Key West. He loves his Vodka and we have a intelligent great time. He doesn't pull any punches and doesn't take shit from no other bums! He is a true, penny pinching Jew from New York! Larry is a local "celebrity" that I wish to share with the world. So hold on to your ass and grab some popcorn. Without seeing or filming yet, I know in my heart of hearts, this will be a great show if not, The Greatest Show On Earth, P.T. Barnum ain't got shit on us!!
Enough blah shit ,
I called my one and only brother on Christmas, the only family member I have left on this planet. It was great to hear his voice on the other end of the phone from California. I told him about my blog, I haven't talk to him awhile. Typing this on my iPad is a pain in the ass!! With that in mind, let me try and type my latest poems. It's random thoughts of my current situation. I am currently "watching/walking" 2 huskies named, Thor and Shadow. I sleep with them in the "dog house". To keep my keep plus 50 bucks at Tracy's Pet Grooming business. I rather do something than nothing. I will be going back to Key West by the 1st to work my seasonal job at Liberty Tax as the Statue of Liberty. It's dirty job but somebody's gots to do it. Without further to do, here are my latest thoughts. They're not much, but they are the first thing that came to mind at the time.
Leave you in the dust
As you breathe your last breath
I will comfort you until your final death
Mourn the lost
Cry everyday
Because you're gone
Never to return
I feel the pain
Every minute of the day
The reason
I kneel down and pray
You gave me life
Then took my heart away
Left alone
With my lost soul
Words cannot explain
The pain I endure
Since the day you left
Teardrops on the page
I try to move on
Until my dying day
Give me strength
Give me hope
I thank God
You are in a better place
No matter how far you go
I want you to know
I still love you so
Written for Nancy Jane Jordan Berry Sanders MacDonald
The greatest Mother to live on Earth!
In God we trust
In God we pray
Without God
We pay the cost
Without God
I have no words
Thank you Lord
For my thoughts
Happy Birthday Jesus, thank you for your sacrifice!!
Sent from my iPad
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
The Crazy Larry Show is now available on YouTube. So without further a do, I introduce to you, the Crazy Larry Show, with more episodes coming soon....
I just launched my new YouTube channel,the Crazy Larry Show A homeless CRAZY as a Jewish man named Larry. This is the debut video I shot from my brand used iPad 4 in Retina display in front of the Marathon library. The URL is http://www.youtube.com/user/CrazyLarryShow .If the link doesn't work. Crazy Larry calls into the Key West WEOW 92.7 radio station and talks to DJ Bill Bravo on the phone. He was banned from the library for "cussing" out a librarian. I have to go now, because the library is closing now.
Monday, December 2, 2013
Thankful service on Thanksgiving / Tax Deductible Donations Accepted
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I had a very emotional one. I attended church services at Saint Columba Episcopal church in Marathon on Thanksgiving day. It brought back a lot of memories. I wept throughout the service, trying to contain myself but it was uncontrollable. I used to be an acolyte for the church when I was 10 years old. I carried the cross up to the altar every Sunday morning. I actually held the door open for the present carrying cross acolyte on Thanksgiving day and mention to him that I had done the same when I was 10 years old. He said, "Funny how life circles around". Kind of eerie. My mother remarried my step father there in 1976. So I have a lot of fond memories of my mother and step father attending church services, religiously. (Sorry, I couldn't resist). My mom used to call me her "little angel". After the Thanksgiving service, they had a wonderful spread of food. I would like to thank the church and the Lord for giving me such a blessed day.......Now we can move on to Christmas. The birthday of Jesus Christ, as I understand it and believe it... What I don't understand is the greed and materialistic selfishness of Black Friday, Gray Saturday and Cyber Monday. Christmas to me, is not about buying stuff, it's about being with family & friends and celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. So why do we (humans) buy each other "presents" when it's Christs' birthday, for Christ's sakes!! Give me a break!! Do unto to others as you would have done to you.... I can't see the material money side of the "holidays", maybe because I currently have none, nada, zilch in terms of money and of course by now, unless you have been living in outer space or under a rock, you know that money can't buy you what?... LOVE,..Have you ever heard of or listened to the Beatles? If not, please just go back to sleep, we will not be needing your narrow minded, nonsensical point of spew. I got enough B.S. to dance around the holidays than to waste my precious time on Earth for you. Go to school, listen to the radio, or go to the library. Just get a damn education. Start with Life and Music 101. The correct answers are all there..... Any way, while we are on the topic of money and/or financial situations, I must let my unknown blog reading "fans" know of my current situation. (This is the part where you break out the Kleenex or a hanky)....I have been so financial frustrated. I applied for and qualified for Unemployment/Reemployment compensation in the first week of OCTOBER!! I have claimed 6 weeks of compensation at 78 dollars a week and have yet to get one thin dime!!! I called the 1-800 number to find out what in God's name is going on with my claim and the recording won't even let me hold on my Obama phone (wasting precious Obama minutes) for the next available representative. It just says, "We are experiencing high call volume. Please try your call again. Click!! It hangs up!! Infuriating!! They had a "feature" where you type in your phone number and they would call you back in the order your call was received. Not anymore! I would hold forever just to get some answers. But I can't even do that!! So I am waiting for a email response back after emailing unemployment about my (F'd up) situation.... So now I am broke and have been broke for almost 6 weeks. I got a couple of odd jobs through my friends that put a couple of bucks in my pocket. I don't need much. In a perfect world, which we all know isn't perfect. And if you don't know that, then you need to get yo ass back on the next space ship!!... Just 5.00 dollars a day is all I need. I am not afraid to work, in fact, I love to stay occupied as opposed to sitting on my ass looking stupid. It's hard to find a job. I have one starting back up in January (my 3rd year in a row, I might add and I stay until the end on April 15th, the end of tax season unlike every other "Statue of Liberty" that has ever done my job!) for Liberty Tax Service in Key West but I have to make it through all this Christmas cheer. Feeling down and out.....So please help out if you can with your tax-deductible "Christmas" donation payable via PayPal to my email address: kevinsanders2010@live.com or
">CLICK THIS LINK to be directed directly to my PayPal Donation/Christmas Gift Box. Thank you for your charitable contribution. You will be helping a homeless person in his hometown down on his luck, this Christmas season. (I certify, I really, truly am homeless. No B.S.!!) I guess, I still have some pride and shy and I can't "panhandle" in person. I know this is shameless and pathetic but I really don't know what else to do at this present time. Thank you so much for reading my blog. It's almost like talking to someone in outer space without a response............. And on that note. I have to leave you with not one but 2 videos. That kind of relate to, without giving it away. (I HAVE NOTHING TO GIVE UNLESS YOU GIVE IT TO ME!!)....Outer space and Christmas Drummer Boys. See if you can see the correlation of the constellation..... Merry Christmas!!....Peace, Love and Happiness On God's green Earth.!!.......................
...P.S. Sorry, I didn't have time to explain How to Buy AND Sell a 7 Mile Bridge, due to time constraints. Maybe next month.?
One of these days. Until then, here's How to JUMP from a 7 Mile Bridge. Stand on the railing of the bridge (it doesn't really have to be 7 miles, give or take a few inches)... Make sure the water down below is deep enough (I don't know how to determine that, I'm a Jumper not a Diver) Then when all else has failed, do what David Lee Roth sez and, "JUMP!" .......
****UPDATE**** This just in.****@#$%^ I called Unemployment/Reemployment today and I finally got through. The automated computer system said I had a 35 to 40 minute wait. I was so excited that I was hooked on the line to wait that I decided to wait the 35 or so minutes. I had 250 brand new Obama minutes on my phone. So I waited and waited, listening to the same broken record recording over and over. I had to get answers to my problematic question as to why I wasn't recieving my past 6 week payment claims and where my debit card was. One hour and 15 minutes later. YES. 75 MINUTES LATER, I heard a human voice unlike the recording. I had connected with a real LIVE person on the other end of the telephone line. I explained my problem, the operator put me on hold again to find out what the problem was and 10 minutes later she came back on the line to inform me that there was a computer glitch with my claim and notified technical services to remedy the snafu and that my card wouldn't be sent to me until my claim has been processed. I was kind of relieved in that it wasn't a problem with me and it was indeed a computer glitch. I love tecnology when it works but when it doesn't work, it can be the most frustrating pain in the ass. So we wait with baited breath and empty pockets. To look on the bright side. I will consider this experience long and arduous but yet see it as money in the bank savings account, in that I will get 6 weeks of 78 dollar a week payments in one lump retro sum of about 500 dollars or so, which will allow me to purchase a iPad as opposed to spending my 78 dollars a week and not being able to save my money on my own to get "another" iPad. (For those who don't know, my last iPad was stolen when I lent it to a friend) Who needs enemies? Good things come to those who wait. God works in mysterious ways. Materially, other than beer, food and cigarettes, all I want is an iPad (To do work and listen to my music) and then I will be a happy camper.... I will bees goods ta GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!) Happy Holidays!! ...Don't forget to donate to someone less fortunate than yourself. Praise the Lord and count your blessings.

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