Author of the memoir, "Where Did My Life Go?"

Author of the memoir, "Where Did My Life Go?"
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Friday, April 1, 2011

How to get off early on Friday

Well, I have figured out a way to shut my boss up AND get off early on Friday. The secret is to... tell him what you don't like about him and his actions.

First off, my "boss", who owns the wastewater company I work at,is a lazy,pompous,unorganized,absent minded, thinks his shit doesn't stink, knows everything about anything, kind of a person. He wants a pat on the back for everything he has accomplished. In a nutshell, he basically wants to impress people.He can't handle criticism but he's the first to dish it out. He will explain how a diesel engine works 10 times over and over and over...Like I give a shit..I am not a diesel mechanic, I am a friggin crap water operator... He also knows EVERYBODY cause he's so friggin important..He's also a control freak who thinks he can call the kettle black because he owns the company....I'm a slob, he's a slob, but he can't admit that he's a slob but he can point out my cigarette ashes on the floor but yet his garage looks like friggin Sanford & Son. He has a whole bunch of worthless shit piled up everywhere..(I just shot video of it, I will not be posting it on the my channel)...I can't stand people who think they're funny and they're not, there is nothing more annoying except maybe somebody who goes out of their way to impress everybody. Lucky me, I get the best of both worlds with this a-hole.... Life is easy, people make it difficult. It's hard to explain, but while I am sober, I will try.......

I don't think it's worth it.. I'm going to listen to some music..and flick cigarette ashes on the floor....
This concludes my early Friday therapy session, thanks for reading,listening and watching.... Thanks Jeff and Terra for helping me out when I needed you, unfortunately for me, it didn't work out, I really do wish you the best. And I am not blowing smoke.


  1. It sucks that you used to work for such a pompous, know-it-all "boss". Maybe your next blog should be titled "How to get fired...NO CALL, NO SHOW!"

    I want to make something quite clear Kevin, you DO NOT have permission to use the company's name or the names of it's owners in ANY way, shape, or form in your blog, on any video, or posted on any social network. I expect your video to be edited and the names be removed from your blog immediately!

    Although I understand your frustrations, I am extremely disappointed that you would be so disrepectful considering that he brought you into our home and tried to make sure you had everything you needed. On several occassions, he gave you the last dollar in his pocket and you had the nerve to sit down next to him at the bar on my birthday and let him buy you beer and food and drive you home while I waited at the restaurant because there wasn't enough room for the three of us at one time. Then you post this crap the next day.

    Just so you know, I was ready to fire your ass Sunday regardless of your excuse but he convinced me to give you the benefit of the doubt and you had the balls to call him Monday and tell him you were sorry that you forgot...especially since I've been following this blog for awhile now.

    For all intent and purpose, you had it MADE at this job and he would have given you the shirt off his back if you needed it. Have no doubt that the only one who fucked this job up is YOU!
    You didn't show up for work on Sunday AND you didn't call in and THAT is why you have been terminated. This blog is just the icing on the cake.


  2. "you had the nerve to sit down next to him at the bar on my birthday and let him buy you beer and food and drive you home while I waited at the restaurant" ...My rebuttal to that is Jeff asked me to come to the restaurant because it was your birthday, in which I told him I had no money, but he insisted I show up. I could of walked home, in which I tried to, the restaurant is only 3 blocks away from my house, but no, Jeff wanted to give me a ride. And yes, you are right, Jeff bent over backwards for me when I needed help but it was also a process of playing games or jumping through hoops in order to get what I needed. Don't forget, I've bought him lunch and beer too. I don't need a pat on the back but I want to state that fact for the record. Thanks for following my blog, I guess it's nice to know somebody is reading what I am saying..How did your surgery go?
