Author of the memoir, "Where Did My Life Go?"

Author of the memoir, "Where Did My Life Go?"
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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

TOP Influential Albums Of My Lifetime..So Far

Influential, not the best by other standards but nonetheless some of my favorite albums. I usually don't like the most "popular" ones with, of course, some exceptions. This is a list in no particular order of "albums" that have influenced me throughout my life. I usually get tired of the popular albums and /or songs played over and over and over and over on the radio. Here is a underrated list of albums that I like.

1. KISS - Love Gun - If I had to pick with a gun (no pun) to my head just ONE KISS album I would have to pick this one.
2. Eagles - Very Best Of - I can't just pick one album that I like every single song on. So I'll take an easy,  cheap shot and pick the best of.

3. Van Halen - Diver Down - Although I love ALL of Van Halens' albums, if I had to pick, this would be the one that had the most impact growing up.
4. Iron Maiden - Piece Of Mind - Great title, great album and probably one of the biggest influences of my childhood. Kick ass Metal with melody.

5. Nazareth - Hair of the Dog - I was going on a field trip with my teacher up to Miami and asked a friend what cassette I should get while I was up there because Miami had a better selection than Marathon and he told me to get Nazareth, Hair of the Dog, which I had never heard before. On our way back from Miami, my teacher, who drove us up there in her car, had a cassette player in her car, so I asked her if I could
play the tape and she said,"Sure". I put it in and the music starts, "Dern Dern Da Derna Derna Dern Derna Derna" (guitar playing) the chorus comes on and John McCafferty sings with that rough voice of his, "Now, you're messin' with a son of a bitch, now you're messin' with a son of bitch". Shocked, I looked over at the teacher driving and her mouth dropped. I said, "I'm sorry Miss Wilkinson, I didn't know anything about this band, a friend of mine told me to pick this tape up". I quickly ejected the tape and put in my other tape I bought, which I knew was safe, Barry Manilow. It wasn't Barry Manilow, you silly kids, it was John Denver. No it wasn't John Denver. I fooled you again!! It was actually RATT Out Of The Cellar.

6. Scorpions - Love At First Sting - Not just because I am a Scorpio but I actually like this album. "Big City Nights" being one of my favorites on this classic as well as "Bad Boys Running Wild" and "Coming Home" but all the radio plays the shit out of is "Rock You Like A Hurricane".
7. AC/DC - Powerage - I think one of the most underrated AC/DC albums. All you hear about is "Back In Black" and "Highway To Hell",don't get me wrong, both are great. But, I like this one better because it hasn't been played to death by everyone and radio.
8. Night Ranger - Midnight Madness - Yes, "(You Can Still) ROCK IN AMERICA" and yes, you can keep "Sister Cristian" because I've heard it a million times. Great for them, they got a HUGE hit that put them on the map. But all you really need to do is just press play and listen to the WHOLE album.

9. Def Leppard - Pyromania - Sure, Hysteria is a great album but if I hear "Pour Some Sugar On Me" one more time, I'm going to scream and cut off Rick Allens' other arm!!!! (I am surely going to HELL for that statement) Just kidding, Rick!! I love you, man!! It took a lot of balls and strength to come back and play drums after your tragic accident. You're an inspiration!!! Rock On!!
1. Eminem - Eminem Show - I know, you're shocked. After all this kick ass rock n' roll I listed. I threw a curve ball and put some master rapper that can dice you up with his pen and paper. You can't deny the flow of the Eminem Show. Case Closed.

2. RUSH - Moving Pictures - I was surprised that such a great drummer, Neil Peart, also wrote most, if not all, of the lyrics. That's a rarity. Usually the egotistical "Lead" singer usually writes the lyrics. Listen to YYZ (secret: code of the Toronto airport) amazing drumming and surprisingly NO LYRICS!
They don't call, Mr. Peart, the Professor for nothin'. Side note: My brother was just promoted from mere doctor to Professor!!
3. Stone Temple Pilots - Purple - Every song great. Driving force. One of my favorite "grunge" bands. I even like them better than, dare I say, Nirvana!!! oops. I still love Dave Grohl though. He's the Neil Peart of the 2000's. Plays kick ass, hard hitting drums and writes his own songs.
Eric Kretz of STP is great too. As well as the DeLeo brothers and Scott Weiland.

***Note: There is a method to my alphabetical madness*** I don't have any prizes to give away***

More to be included, stay tuned!!!


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