Found this on eBay! Crazy!! List price: 39.98!?!? Really? I guess it is Out Of Print...

Poisin Jett Gunz
Sloppy Sessions.
© 2001 Poisin Jett Gunz
List Price: $39.98
| This glamorous San Francisco based trio is influenced by 70s glitter rock'n'roll (The NEW YORK DOLLS, The STOOGES...) as well as 80s glam metal (MOTLEY CRUE...) and the S.F drag scene (you just have to look at them!) There are five songs of dirty rawk'n'roll with attitude on this CD that sometimes remind me of The GUTTER QUEENS from Switzerland, maybe because of this garage rock touch. Everything (from the production to the lay-out) was done in a D.I.Y manner, which is always enjoyable for the original punk spirit lovers. Definitely worth checking out, especially if you're bored with the "modern" metal sound of most bands today. |
Poisin Jett Gunz is a GLAM power trio that carries on the traditions of pure Rock'N'Roll as first intended.
LOUD, FAST, FUN guitar-driven racket with emphasis on an exciting live show.
Book ended front men Atom(the snake);Guitar and Kimba;Bass trade RIPPING original songs reminiscent of classic bands like: KISS, THE STOOGES, NEW YORK DOLLS, and MOTLEY CRUE featuring "sing-song-y" choruses and cutting edge guitar solo work. Drummer Kevin Sanders, possibly the world's loudest drummer, irreverently beats the skins in a Paul Cook(Sex Pistols) meets Philthy Phil Taylor(Motorhead) meets Phil Rudd(AC/DC) sort of noise.
The band wears full femme make-up, high platform shoes and tight fitting fashions right off the racks of their favorite San Francisco rocker boutiqes.
Less interested in re-creating past eras of glam presentation, the band is a fashion foreward venture creating an EXCITING, NEW artistic outlet to their otherwise desparate and pointless lives.
Milktooth Reviews - milktooth is the band I moved down to Los Angeles with to "make it". Needless to say, we "didn't make it". I was playing drums for both bands at the same time in San Francisco but I had to make a decision and quit Poisin Jett Gunz to move to L.A. with milktooth. Hindsight is always 20/20, if it would of been like 1985, I would of stayed with Poisin Jett Gunz but the fact that it was 2003, I thought milktooth had a better chance at making it due to the "alternative" music that was popular at the time.
Milktooth played Bottom of the Hill. Mon 2/18/02
Tight rhythms with smoky female vocals. Formed in 1998 by guitarist/vocalist Josh Chase and bassist/vocalist Rebecca Hill, rock band Milktooth started creating the basis of the group's aggressive, metallic, and ethereal sound inside a cramped warehouse space in San Francisco's SOMA district. In April 2000, Milktooth had a lineup change and met drummer Kevin Sanders through a local music posting. Sanders added a straight forward rhythm style and helped the band tighten its growing repertoire of songs. The band then grew to a four-piece in January 2001 with the addition of guitarist James Bridges and began work on the band's first seven-song EP. Milktooth self-released the EP in August 2001 with plans for a West Coast tour in early 2002. The album showcases the band's personal musical influences (Soundgarden, Radiohead, Swans) and establishes the group's originality within the music community.
Milktooth: Self-Titled
Milktooths EP offering is warm and comforting, and I cannot quite figure out why. It could be the familiarity of Rebecca Hills voice to a band I have seen in the past, though I dont even remember who they were. What I do know is that I dig her vocals, and I think they are a powerful element of the music.
The overall tone of this EP leans heavily to the more aggressive side of the musical spectrum. There is nothing terribly different going on here, but it is all put together well enough to produce a welcome change to monotony that exists in much music these days especially with bands that claim to be heavy or loud rock bands. Sometimes, and in Milktooths case, a progression of fantastic bass lines goes a long way. These are brought to us courtesy of Rebecca Hill. Milktooths other members are Josh Chase (vocals/guitar) and Kevin Sanders (drums).
The press kit for Californias Milktooth reads, Milktooths style continues to evolve, from dramatically moody to experimentally raw. I would certainly agree that their music is dramatically moody and it works for them. Experimentally raw is a stretch though, as there doesnt seem to be much experimentation going on here, unless they are referring to their own experimentation during recording or maybe those synth sounds that pop up on several of the tracks. The one drawback to this recording is the quality of the recording itself. These guys could benefit from a good studio session.
When Milktooth get around to producing a better recorded album, I would check it out. In the meantime, if you are in the Los Angeles area, catch them live if you get the chance.
-Brenna Krause
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