Author of the memoir, "Where Did My Life Go?"

Author of the memoir, "Where Did My Life Go?"
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Friday, October 11, 2013

Back in Key West, Hopefully, not for long, back to Marathon

I am back in Key West. One day back from Marathon, in 30 minutes at Bayview (Bumview, I coined the pharse for the record) Park after I had been in Marathon for about 3 weeks drinking beer in front of the cops, deputies from the Sheriff's department, my friend Lisa got arrested for an open container while I sat next to her in the park at Bum-view on the metal picnic table. I couldn't believe it!! She's facing prison time for the bust because she was on probation and because of the incident, violated probation and might do prison time. Ridiculous! BTW, I needed to go back to Key West because I had my new food stamp card sent there because my old cards' magnetic strip wasn't reading on the register from being wore out... I need to get back to Marathon because my spider senses are tingling sitting at Bum View and I know they do "sweeps" just before Fantasy Fest which is not too far away and I sure as hell don't want to spend my birthday, (Halloween) ;) in jail. So, I haven't stopped drinking, I just don't do it in Bumville. You can't even HAVE alcohol in the park, open or sealed, which KWPD officer DuPonty has informed me and my other drinking buddies as well, as his statement has stated, "He doesn't like arresting us but he is just doing his job and if he doesn't do his job he would end up like us and one of my friends replied with, "If you do lose your job at least you know we will have a beer here for you" Fact is, he doesn't have to arrest us it's up to his discretion, (his "call" for you dumb asses without a dictionary) but he does. There's a cool female cop named, Ms. Beeman, who would of just told us to pour whatever we had and moved on, unless, of course, you catch her on a bad day. It's an municipal ordinance, not even a misdeameanor!! A waste of time and double standard in my eyes considering the fact that "tourist" walk up and down Duval street all the time with open alcohol containers and never even get a ticket. Which it is a "ticketable" offense, as far as I know, but DuPonty to be specific, the only cop who has arrested all of my Bumview friends for the same open container bullshit offense, seems to prey on us "bums" at the park......I am tired of typing about that, let's move on, shall we?..... Actually I just got "Bumped" from the Key West computer at the library...Bumped, not bummed, because somebody needs a computer, to where as I stayed on the Marathon computer, all day from 10 am to 5 pm....anyway until next time..

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