Author of the memoir, "Where Did My Life Go?"

Author of the memoir, "Where Did My Life Go?"
My FREE short story Memoir Available Worldwide on Amazon and iBooks (Click the Picture Above)

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Goals for my Book

Dear Diary,

Merry Christmas Eve Eve. I know I won't have a white Christmas in the Florida Keys, never had and hopefully never will. What I heard on the news this morning though is that south Florida might have a wet Christmas. I am having a 99 cent Christmas Event on the Internet, selling my recently published short story "book" for, you guessed it, 99 Cents from Christmas Day starting at 12:25 a.m. until 12:31 p.m. New Year's Eve. Then the price rises to the normally set, whopping price of 2.99. It's FREE, if people subscribe to Kindle Unlimited and I still get a royalty of 35% if the reader reads at least 10% of my 15 page short story entitled "A Towering Experience" until the end of my exclusive contract with which ends somewhere around February 24th, 2015, in which,  I can opt-out of my binding agreement and sell the eBook anywhere I want on the Internet. My future holds the following goals:

1) I plan on writing more short stories (I have a short attention span, as I think some readers do also) The future stories will be based on initially leaving my hometown of Marathon moving in with my brother in San Francisco, playing drums in various bands in the Bay Area to interning for Bill Graham Presents and becoming a road manager, touring with a band in the United States and Canada for 6 months to working for FedEx and United Airlines to moving to Hollywood, California with one of the bands I played drums in to working at Tower Records on the Sunset Strip (See "A Towering Experience" for that story) to moving back to my hometown to start over again, working for a taxi company that went out of business to moving back to San Francisco and getting my CALIFORNIA Commercial license and almost becoming a long haul semi truck driver to moving in with a childhood friend in Miserable, I mean, Mesa, Arizona to moving back to Key West to becoming homeless again and starting from scratch, again to writing lyrics to a song called "Alcohol Call" under the band name I made up in a drunken stupor called, Fall Down Daddy, which the music was recorded by studio musicians found on the Internet and distributed on iTunes, Amazon and 750 other online retailers (Buyer Beware: I don't recommend buying it unless you like decent lyrics put to shitty country music, the only good thing about the song is, if you purchase the song 50% of the proceeds go to the charity Sweet Relief for struggling musicians if you consume the tune on ) to getting a job as a sign waver for Liberty Tax, dressing up in a Statue of Liberty costume to bring in customers off the streets of Key West and getting written up by a writer from the Key West Citizen (Side note: I just got a call from my boss from Liberty Tax yesterday and I will be doing it again in January of 2015, my 4th year in a row with the tax season job from January to April 15th. I will be stationed in front of the post office in Marathon) to moving in "temporary" with another childhood friend, sleeping on the floor of her dog grooming business, paying her 100 every two weeks with my unemployment check I receive for 204 dollars to writing my first short story, you should of heard about before"A Towering Experience" which, FINALLY,....brings me to my future plans of my book series called "Where Did My Life Go?"

2) Whew!....O.K. Let me catch my breath...O.K. Are you ready for my plan to take over the world by storm, one short story at a time....Drumroll, please.....I, Kevin Dale Sanders, pen name K.D. Sanders, plan to bind all of the above mentioned eBook only short stories into a actually REAL book entitled: "Where Did My Life Go?"  with BONUS stories that I forgot to mention in the eBook series, distribute it Worldwide to every book store outlet. NOT AVAILABLE ONLINE ANYWHERE! You will only be able to get it in brick and mortar BOOK STORES. Then I will begin a book signing world tour to meet and greet my fans personally.

3) Make interview appearances in makeup, concealing my physical facial appearance (I'm not here to become famous, I am doing this so other people can hear my story) to MAJOR T.V. Programs such as Oprah, Ellen De Generous, Entertainment Tonight, Late night talk shows and any other show that will have me. (A dream of mine is to get Larry King to come out of retirement and do a special edition of Larry King Live)

4) A portion of my book sale proceeds will go to a charity, housing homeless people in the Florida Keys. I will purchase a modest house in my hometown of Marathon. The headline in the local newspaper, Keynoter will read: "Homeless to Homeowner"

5) I will then live in paradise comfortably, happily ever after. End Of Story.

These are my hopes and dreams and I hope you realize if you don't reach for the sky, you will never touch the Moon until you pass it on your way to Heaven for your family reunion. Try while you are here on Earth. God's life gift to you is for you to learn and spread Love in the world you live in. No matter what obstacles you may face. He has given you strength to overcome with your Faith. Then when your work is done, God will call you home to Rest in Peace.  Heaven will always be there. It's what you do on Earth that makes a difference. That is what I plan to do or I will die trying. That is my belief and my story...See you when I see you. God Bless. Happy Birthday Jesus. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Sent from my iPad

Friday, December 5, 2014

Review of my short story memoir, "A Towering Experience" only on #Amazon

I just received my first review on my first short story memoir, "A Towering Experience". Available Exclusively on It's FREE to check out if you're a #Kindle Unlimited subscriber. Only 2,99 otherwise. Or you can wait until it goes on sale for .99 cents on Christmas Day until New Year's Eve. Now get off Facebook and read a damn BOOK!😊😄

Thank you Quentin Wallace

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Have you ever had a Towering Experience? I have and have a eBook to tell you all about it..

Well, now, the first "chapter" in my short story series, "Where Did My Life Go?" is now available exclusively on Amazon for 3 months. It is entitled, "A Towering Experience" which entails my encounters with celebrities along with some crazy trials and tribulations that happened to me me while working at Tower Records on Sunset Blvd. for 3 years before they went out of business. The story is short, maybe 20 pages, with more "chapters" coming soon. All for a WHOPPING 2.99! You can also borrow it within the Amazon Unlimited system. You can put it in your #AmazonCart on -------------------------------->>>>>this link------>
It would be greatly appreciated if you would leave my book an honest review on Amazon.Thank you! Just think of it as a early Christmas gift to me from you. You're soooooo (short) and sweet! Just like my wittle eBook.Awwwwww 😘 God bless and Merry Christmas. Follow me on Twitter @MemoirBook

The Video Trailer is AMAZING , if I do say so myself. It gave me goose bumps and I made the damn thing...with a little help from iMovie and my trusty side kick iPad!, of course.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

#Election results from Floriduh 2014

Election Results

I am a free man
Catch me if you can

The election results
Don't reflect me

I am still free
In the land
The United States

Yes mam'
I will do
As I please

You will not stop me
In the pursuit of happiness

Down a one way road
Is the only way
That I go

Can't solve a problem
With only
One vote 

Or sway
My decision
In a corrupt system

Greed and money
You chase
But I will live

Without a guilty conscience 
Resting on my grave

Four more years
Of problems
I cannot face

The results
Will not change

My point of view
Of living
In the country
Better known
As the greatest
Ever known

You can choose

All I know for sure
Is that
I am
100% American

Catch me if
You can

I continue to be
Until my dying day
Of what
You or anybody else says

Thank you Lord
For saving my grace
I don't need anyone
To tell me
If I won or not

As long as
I am
A winner in your eyes
The only one
That matters
In my life

My only hope
Is that
Freedom of speech
Will live on

Forever yours
Until we
Meet again

Thank you for
What has already
Been given to me

A gift from GOD

I will be appearing at the Holiday Inn on Tuesdays and Saturdays between 2P.M? Until who knows? Thank you, in advance for cumming and your loved ones for showing. I couldn't do it without them.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Unknown Future Rainstorm Poem

Rainstorm Unknown Future

The rain falls around me
Underneath a empty bus stop
No One can change
The tears seeping in
From the storm
That will never end

Dry for now
But I know from truth
It will begin again
Nobody can change
The weather
Ruled by Mother Nature

A battle begun
But never won
Ride the storm out
One teardrop
At a time
When you need 
Or the very least
To escape your problems
You can't hide
The truth
Is inside

I had the line
But I forgot
Just in time
For you to ridicule me
Tell me I am
Ridiculous Everytime
A tale I Have been told
All my life
That hasn't changed
Like the rain
Before me today

Not a poet
Per se
The words change
In disbelief
Every time I think

Lost in between
The drama
That I see
I don't need

Just trying
To find
A warm place to sleep
In the right frame
Of mind

Everybody else
Out to get over
Somebody else
I ask 

With answers 
I can't find

What is the meaning
Of life
Left behind

Maybe a message 
Unable to decipher
I guess
Only speculation
Will find
The answers
I have no choice
In my current
At the end of the road
We all go down

The end is
The grave
In the same place
We all lay down
One day 
So they say
For eternity

After that
What happens next
Is anybody's guess

I'm not a preacher
Or anyone who claims
To know the afterlife 
When we are gone
From Earth Forever

I only hope
For a family reunion
To see
My parents
Once again

To reminisce 
About the times
We never had

Destiny is
In the hands
Our creator
For sure
Who else
Could do this to us
There is something more
Than none of us
Know about

The reason is there
For us to learn about
For a greater good
Than we could
Ever comprehend
Peace on Earth

Thanks for spell check 

My Mom died
In this hospital 
Nothing could
Take away 
Her saving grace
Left alone
In a empty world 
That I must move along
By myself

I keeping searching for
The unknown future