Author of the memoir, "Where Did My Life Go?"

Author of the memoir, "Where Did My Life Go?"
My FREE short story Memoir Available Worldwide on Amazon and iBooks (Click the Picture Above)

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Murphy is back in town/Tour work schedule

Murphy's back in Key West, all the way from Texas! Here is some video I shot when I first saw him again at Bayview Park.

I am waving the Liberty Tax sign in Key West and Marathon. The current "tour" schedule is as follows: (Subject to change, due to weather or a sudden change of my bosses mind and/or direction)

Wed - Jan 22nd - Key West - 1pm - 6pm (Corner of Kennedy & Roosevelt)

Thurs - Jan 23rd - Marathon -  2 p.m.ish - 6pm SHARP! (In front of the main post office across the street from Wendy's and yes you can buy me a Double with Cheese, NO TOMATO!)

Fri - PAYDAY, YAY - Jan 24th - Key West - Same Bat Time, Same Shit, Different Day corner)

Sat - Jan 25th - Marathon - 10 AM! - 2:30ish (Note, I eat pizza from Papa John's, next to the post office on Saturdays, with Pepperoni and Mushrooms.)

Sun - Day OFF (Beach day, if it isn't cold and/or raining)

I will leave you with my latest, piece of crap, poem,that I wrote when I was slightly inebriated on some type of alcohol and bored out of mine.

You only live once 
You might as well
Be first !!
Straight out of the box
Above all else
The finish line
Will always be there
Never too soon
Live up
To the lyrics
Stand up
And shout
Make your opinion
A dollar bill
Will not change
My will
My mind
I own
Free and clear
We blessed
We live above
The rest
Before we rest in peace

Without a prediction
Crystal ball
Without direction
I wish I knew
The day I face death

But I love surprises
Like a Christmas Day 
Never know
What Santa Claus
Gives or
Frost bit feets fixed
Murphy is back to stay
All the way from Texas
He says
He's got something to say
As I leave him

Naughty or nice
Ok in the mirror 
To see
Where you have been before
Your Karma
Comes back to you
I told you the truth
But you didn't 
Want to listen
What else can I do
Silly rabbit
Tricks are for kids
Vagina is
For Men's 
Keep me warm
On a cold night
Murphy's back
Back for the attack
You better watch out
The show is about
Ready to start
Wait for the
Finish line
To see
Where you end up
I told you the truth
From the get go
You must face
The facts
I told you so
Not my fault
It's all your own

Answer the question
Without answers
Lost in the woods
Leave me alone
Like you never 
Seen me
Who am I
Who do U think
U are

Let me guess
Better than me
A better
Piece of bubble gum
Stuck to the bottom
Of my shoe
Solve the crime 
I can only hope
I see you crying
At the funeral

The end comes soon
The last minute
You thought you had
Another breath to intake 

The Police or Sting
Can't save you now 
You should of
Thought about that
You ran your
Diaherra mouth
Runnin down a leg
Kick you in the ass
To comeback again

Don't blame me
Point a finger
At the one
Who looks
Into the mirror
The reflection
Call the kettle black
I know you do
Nothing wrong

Blame me
For your faults
As I fall off
The cliff
Without you
Catching me
I thought
We were best friends
I heard
Nothing could stand
In our way
Talk is cheap
I thought the words
Meant something
But I found out
Something else

I was lost before
I didn't have anything 
Before I met you
Just another day
I don't miss
Something I
Never had

Boo Hoo
My bank account
Is closed
Drain my soul
For every drop
You can get
Not enough
To get back home

I haven't seen it
I was 13 or 15 years old
You didn't think about me
When I was crying alone
I thought I had a friend
I thought, thought wrong
Wishful thinking
Macho man
Sing alone

Where were you
When I needed you?
I didn't think
I did anything wrong

Burn me at the stakes
Crucify me like
Jesus Christ
Save your soul
From your mistakes
That you
Have already made

Talk to me
When we get to Heaven
It might not be tomorrow
But the clock is ticking
I wish I could
Predict the future

All I can do is
Live and breathe
Every second
I am awake today

Thank God
Every breath I take
Without Him
I would be gasping
For air

A gift
I get everyday
I thank Him
For his generosity
Just another day
To live again
To show my glory
Kneel down and pray
And thank The Lord! 
Another present
Under the tree
In January
I question myself
How lucky I am?

Without Him
I am nothing else
He means everything to me
Nobody stands above
He is the only one
That makes my life complete
Without Him
I am nothing else
I thank Him
For everyday
I am alive
On Earth
Without Him
I am nothing else
He's the beginning
And the end
Of every story
I ever wrote
Praise The Lord 
He gives me the words
To speak
I thank Him
Every night I
Go to sleep
I can stand
Without a penny
In my pocket
But with Him
I'm a rich man
Beyond belief
Wake up
A materialistic dream
I have everything
Whatever I wish for
I already have
Just have to
Dig a little deeper
Listen to your heart
All the answers
Are within
Your sleep
Dig deep
Reach for your soul 
He is here
For me and you
Catch a teardrop
Everything is gonna be alright
Just like Marley said
No woman, No cry 

His soul
Still rings true
After all the years
I see the sight
He envisioned
Start a revolution
Unknown solider
Fight the war
Never won
We will not Stop!
Until we right the wrongs
Never give up
Until death becomes

We are stronger
They are

Follow the footsteps
Of our forefathers 
See the light
To show which way
To go in the dark

Never make
The same mistake twice
Learn from what
Has been done before

WOW!! You get an A+ for reading this thing until the end. Have a happy, safe and fun weekend!! OXOX

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Solving the homeless problem, one bum at a time. Full of Sh..elter

I woke up on the beach this morning. (and I am currently writing this thing you are reading at the beach on the iPad I bought, isn't technology great?!) .. I slept there last night because once again, K.O.T.S. was filled to capacity by 7:30 p.m. and didn't have a "bed" available. To add insult to injury, I found someone sleeping in my "secret sleeping spot!" Now this shit is getting ridiculous! I guess my spot ain't so secret after all. Although, one other person does know about it because he's the one who actually told me about it. I couldn't tell if it was him or not because they were covered in a blanket and I didn't really want to confront the subject, so I moved on. (Late breaking news..I talked to the person who I thought and hoped it was and it was him, thank God, we're still good!!)....I proceeded to the park and called K.O.T.S. at 8:30 p.m. to confirm that they were indeed full and George the monitor, confirmed my assumption. It's been rainy and cold in Key West since the day I came back from Marathon. So I needed to find a place to sleep with a "roof" over my head and came up with the beach because they have little huts with just that, a roof to keep me dry. From what the monitors at K.O.T.S. have told me in the past, if the shelter is filled to capacity, the cops won't hassle you on the street. I find that hard to believe but then what else can I do if can't get into the shelter. I have to find someplace on the street because I don't have anywhere else to go. I guess that's why they call me mellow yellow, uh, no dumb asses, that's why they call me, HOMELESS !! So I move on to da beach. For the record, financially, I am broke. I have one cigarette left, NO beer (I haven't drank in over 3 days, good for my liver, bad for my stress) and my unemployment compensation ended BUT I do have a job that I worked my first day yesterday. But of course, I have to wait 2 weeks for a paycheck and I do have food stamps. So I'm not starving. Things could be worse. I can go without drinking, at least for a few days, I don't really have a problem with that, but me without cigarettes is not a good idea and a pain in my ass, I might add. (I know, I know, I can hear you and my brother screaming through the computer screen, "Then why don't you just quit!" And then I say, "Easier said than done!" O.K. Enough lecture, let's get to the point at hand, what was that point again? Oh yeah, I am about to solve the homeless problem and then next week we're gonna tackle world hunger. That's what I'm here for folks! What, you thought I was here to just take up air and space, I'm NOT an astronaut! ...But my Facebook friend, Boyd is a physicist and a homeless one at that, how bout that? And I can't forget my brother who is not only a cancer doctor but a Professor of Oncology who I love so much and am very proud of!! He is not homeless though, he has a house in Cailfornia. And I am a...a.,.what am I? Oh forget about me, let's move on, shall we?

So Key West is bitchin' about the homeless, I would assume that it's people who have a roof over their head and who pay taxes. I call them home mores or "homos" for short. As oppose to me being homeless. Get it?, got it? Good! There will be a test next Friday, make sure you study! Anyway, they are trying to build a new 24 hour shelter for the homeless in Key West because the city is under fire and a lawsuit for building the current K.O.T.S. in a rush without proper permits. They are being sued by the Sunset Marina condo association because they don't want to live that close to a homeless shelter or homeless people. Never mind the fact that the Sunset condo homos bought their beautiful condo right next to a former dump called Mount Trashmore. Who can blame the hormonal homeowners? Who in their right mind would want to live next to a bunch of lazy, drunk bums? Hence, the first and major problem Key West is facing. Where can you put a shelter where everybody will be happy and not "annoyed" by local vagrants roaming the streets pissing, defecating and throwing beer cans in the street? Answer: Nowhere. The only answer, which is not practical, is on a deserted island away from the tax paying homos. Anywhere else, you can bet some well off innocent citizen will pitch a bitch. As I understand it though, I am not an attorney but I play one on T.V., Federal law has a mandate that a city or county must provide shelter to the homeless within 50 miles of a city limit or something like that. I could be wrong but that's what I have heard. Also on the flip side, if you DON'T build a shelter, guess where the homeless are going to be? The WRONG answer would be that they will just go away. NOT!! In your wildest, wishful thinking dreams. No, the correct answer is they will be everywhere, maybe even on the front porch of the homos or the backyard, in front of stores, nobody really knows. But at least with some kind of shelter, you have some kind of control of the madness. And no, throwing them in jail just cost the hard working tax paying dollars of the up standing citizens. Your hard working tax dollars pays for the homeless medical expenses not to mention food, air conditioned dorms in the jail, labor for county employee workers to babysit these no good for nothing hoodlums. The Sheriff, Rick Ramsay, (a Marathon High alumni, I might add) has already complained about the very thing I just explained. So what do you do? Ooh, ooh, ooh, I know, just SHOOT THE NO GOOD FOR NOTHIN' MOTHERFUCKERS!!! You homos think you got it bad because you have to, god forbid, look at them on the street or you might get panhandled by some of them but I have to deal with them face to face on a daily basis, if not at the library, at K.O.T.S., or the soup kitchen. I personally can't stand MOST of them there homeless. They are not all bad, but most of them ain't worth a shit. No job, some get a crazy and/or a crippled check,(I know the word "crippled" is pollitically incorrect but then again so is my life, so F*%^ off!) They sit on their ass getting drunk while I go to work sober and penniless or writing this blog so the world can see my world, which of course I don't mind doing that's why I do this, I love writing on a wall to express my thoughts. It's seems to be a form of therapy and of course, I like to put my 2 cents in, especially when I see ignorance. That's why I sound a little bitter sometimes, not because I too am homeless, but I read about homos bitchin' and moanin' about the homeless, when they can go to their house, lock the door, have a beer,(without being arrested), turn on the T.V. and tune the world out. Why are normal, hard working, tax paying people worried about the homeless? (btw, homeless people pay taxes too. Maybe not property taxes but for beer, cigarettes and yes even hotel taxes when some get their check, they get a hotel for a weekend) Some of these mofo homeless motherfuckers get a BIG check! That's why they're lazy and shows just how crazy they are! Speaking of which, Key West needs to build a fuckin' insane asylum for some, seriously!! They're Jamaican me crazy!!! 
How bout this question? If you were homeless, would you want to be homeless in a snowy and cold climate or would you like to be homeless in "paradise"? I know, it's a tough question. But some people wonder why the homeless population is growing in Key West, at least, in the winter time season. Why do homos buy houses down here? A duh! I've seen snow twice in my life and it was 2 too many times. It looks and feels a lot better on T.V. .....This concludes today's poeticdrummer blog broadcast. I have to go to work as the Statue of Liberty now and save the world....Remember to look both ways for bums before you cross the road. I heard they sleep in the streets.......he he ha ha ta ta!!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Here's my latest, and of course, greatest input to society as well as my thoughts. You're as good as your last record, so I guess, I'm good....Hold on, wait a minute,.....Is there a time limit?

Deep in the woods
Think about where my life has gone
Over a beer and a few friends
Wonder where
My life just went

I have a job 
That I haven't started yet
The anticipation awaits then the world will know
My good fortune and fame

Good luck to you
Is all I have to say
Thank you
For another blessed  day

Step in your own shit
Arrest your ass
For breaking the law

Blame everybody
For your fault
As you pretend
It's not your own

As you sit in jail
You still feel
Act like
You did nothing wrong
Dig yourself deeper 
Into a hole

Don't blame me
If you get too deep
Are all you have 
Answers are all you seek

Find the
Power of the pen
You wish you had said
Found behind
The last back page

Lost without the friends
You thought
You once had
As you observe and deserve the flames
Of the burning bridge

Sorry for the good karma you lost
I can't believe
You didn't think
You had to pay the cost 

It's a bitch
Just like
My future ex wife
The basic fundaments
And elements
Never change
In life

I tried to show you the way
But then again
You wouldn't listen
A story book
Filled with fiction
Now you face 
A felony conviction
End of story
I wish I could say
That I am sorry
And hope
You have
A better ending
But it's too late
The pages
Have already 
Been written


On that note,
I will be returning to work (Imagine that, what is that?) on Tuesday, playing my part, as the Statue of Liberty. I spoke to my boss, John, (great guy, BTW) yesterday and found out that he opened another Liberty Tax office in Marathon. I found a new, former drag queen, gay friend, who loves to dance, Bob, in Marathon, that needs a job and hooked him up with employment as a Statue of Liberty representative. So remember, I'm the straight as an arrow one, he's the gay one, not that it matters, but I must set the record straight, to keep the record straight! I don't know if I intended a pun or knot. (Hang me by a noose) ..Anyway, I know, I will be "waving a sign", doing double duty, between Key West and my hometown of Marathon. It seems like, it will feels like, I am on a 50 mile here or there in between tour! Pretty cool!
Rock on...see you on a street corner near you. That's if, you come close to the corner of Kennedy and Roosevelt in Key West or somewhere by the post office in Marathon. As you should already know, I LOVE YOU ALL!!! God bless and peace out................;) It's time to ROCK N' ROLL....OOOH OOH OOH OHH....Reminds me of a Led Zeppelin song! If you can guess the correct, right answer, I'll give you a hundred bucks!!....My lawyers have informed me that I should put a disclaimer in so I don't actually have to pay you lousy mother fu!ckers a Benjamin bill.  He he, ho hoe and a bottle of rum to goooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Back in Key West, waiting for the rain to stop so I can go back to work again..meanwhile

I just peddled from Big Pine Key to Key West on the bike I bought in Marathon. I was planning, dreadfully, on spending the night at K.O.T.S. I usually wait until 7:30 to go in, to let the line go down from the start time of 6:30. If Led Zeppelin or the Eagles were playing a show, I might wait with aggravation in line. But I'll be damn to wait in line with a bunch of other drunk ass idiots to enter a homeless shelter. So I sat in front of the Hyatt hotel, in a grassy field, listening to my music and writing words in my notebook. Then all of a sudden, the sprinkler system comes on, spraying water on me directly into my face and onto my notebook. I was pissed, to say the least. I get up and take off towards K.O.T.S, reluctantly. I get to the entrance around 7:40 to find the gate shut with a sign that reads, "Closed". With a sigh of relief, I thank God and peddle my bike to my go to "secret spot" that the police have never been to, at least, not when I ever slept there. I really didn't want to deal with the drama bullshit anyway. After a few beers, I go to sleep without alarm or a worry of cops. I woke up about 4 hours later at 3:00 o'clock in the morning before sunrise, of course. I needed a cigarette and I still had a couple of beers left. So I sparked a cigarette, cracked a beer and turned on my iPad and put on the "History of the Eagles" that I downloaded (yes, I paid for it!) from iTunes in Marathon. I watched both parts, 1 & 2, (no, I didn't take a piss or give a shit, actually I DID take a piss, TMI, I know, haha)....Anyway, I love the documentary and it's great inspiration, so much so, I decided to write a song.

The first song/poem I wrote sitting in front of the Hyatt just before I and the sprinklers went off. The second is after I watched the Eagles. I'm sure you will see the references. If not, you need to go back to reading song lyrics and poem school and get a life while you're at it, you friggin' idiots!!...;) Here we go.....drum roll, please....thank you


Surrounded by idiots
I can't escape
And you wonder why
I go crazy
I try to hold onto my brain
They try to take away
Over my insane body
Dead in the grave

They must not be thinking
I told them the answers
But they failed the test
With more stupid questions

I am at a loss
For words 
I'm convinced
You can't teach
An old idiot
New tricks
I'm a dumb ass too
I should know

Look down on me
Like you wish you could be
Like you know something
I don't
Your ideas don't work for me
Not my fault
They told you wrong

Blame yourself
You have nowhere else to go
Take a look in the mirror
That you already broke
I have bad luck too
You're nothing special
I'm in the same boat
Just a little different
With my own thoughts
With words I put on paper
I still have dreams you lost
A long time ago
You rather steal something
That doesn't  belong to you

Hard to handle the truth
When it constantly reminds you
You have to copy somebody else
You try to redeem yourself

You try
To put water on my fire
But the truth comes out
You can't even hold
A flame to a candle

I would love to say 
I feel sorry for you
But I don't
Such a shame
I won't even put pity on you
You just get in my way

1/4/2014. 6:04 in the morning after the Eagles reunion and recovery show.

Sleep on the porch
Escape the rain
Before the to kill ya sunrise
See the eagles soar
To greater heights
Wake up to see
The morning light

Back on the road
Without a wink
Wonder how music
Has got me this far

Right or wrong
Shows me
Which way to go
My life
My love
My religious experience 
My pure existence 

God will take me
When my work is done
But I am not quite finished
I still have
A long way to go
Seems like such
A short distance
On a beautiful
Dark and lonely road

Searching to find
My lost soul

This picture was taken on the "hump" of the 7 mile bridge while I peddled across on my way to Key 

Friday, January 3, 2014



Look down on me
Like a fallen star
Who the fuck
Do you think you are
I smell the stench 
Your ship
Is about to sink
From all the bullshit
You keep
Trying to feed me

I'm full
Give me what I need
Give me all the lies
Make me feel better
To look at
Your miserable life
Send me another
Love letter

So we can move on
You broke my heart in two
Now we are both alone 

Point the finger
At who's to blame
Sorry honey 
I just don't feel
The same way

Start another argument 
To augment our relationship
Your position
I promise to cum
On your back
If you show
Your beaver clam

Don't bite
My feelings hurt easily
You already devastated my life
Til death do us part
My life ended
When I asked you
To be my wife

Now I can see the rain
On a cloudy day
Blinded by your light
That flickers in the middle of the night
When I close my eyes
I wish I could wake up surprised

Toss and turn
While the nightmare returns
Scared out of my mind

Just when I thought
I was bad off
I see somebody else better off
Appreciate every gift I get everyday 

When I see the mess
I feel the need
To take the garbage out
Feed the cat
Walk the dog
Do the dishes
Clean the fishes
Jump up and down
Until you say stop

Simon says
Ain't gots shit on you

I guess I'm a sucker for punishment
I ask myself
How I got into this predicament

File for insanity
Before the bitch
Files for divorce
And we end up in court
Close the bank account
Before she takes all my money
Then wait for my life to go down the drain 

Broker than the joker 
Hopped up on happy pills

Rob a bank
To make up for
All the money
The bitch done spent

Make up for
Wake up today
Forget about the problems of yesterday 
For Christ's' sake
There's got to be a better way

I wish I had all the answers
All I have left
Is my life in question

Spin my wheels
To get back 
On track 
Stay In between 
The lines
I wish I could read

Blinded by the bright light
Could this be the end
From the day
I was born
Dear Lord
I've done my time
Let me go
It's time
To move on

Give me a push or a shove
Give me a sign
Take me away
To a far away place
Where I can escape the pain
From here to eternity
Let me rest in peace
Sleep next to my family
I promise to be good 

Anything else
You're pushing your luck
I know you wouldn't ask for too much
Thank you Lord
Cause I don't have
Much luck

I lose the lottery
Every time I play
I never had a chance in Hell

Wishful thinking
Hopefully dreaming
Just a chance to get out alive
From the mundane world
I look and find

Went to a psychic 
To get
The winning numbers
I lost every time 
Like playing Russian roulette
With a paradise
By my side
How can I believe

Now I want to be
A meteorologist 
I think I can predict
A 20 percent
Chance of rain

I just need to find out
The difference between
Mostly sunny and
Partly cloudy means

Then all I need
Is a T.V. screen
Smile with a gleam
In the eye
Of the storm
I can see coming
A million miles away

Run for shelter
Before my house floats away
Safe from you fools
Floating on the farm

Laugh like a pig in shit
Above water
Sitting on a stack
Of beef ribs

That's all I got
Now I have to run to the bank
See you later, goodbye
You ain't seen the best of me yet!!!!!
I can't wait, ....Bye-Bye ;) Have a great 2014!

Love you, Have fun OXOX Rock On!