Author of the memoir, "Where Did My Life Go?"

Author of the memoir, "Where Did My Life Go?"
My FREE short story Memoir Available Worldwide on Amazon and iBooks (Click the Picture Above)

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Sad Old Year, Happy New Year

I fell asleep in front of the Hyatt next to the Cow Key bridge around 7:30 p.m. and woke up around 3 in the morning to find or rather, not find my bike because somebody took it. I have a lock but didn't lock it because I wasn't planning on falling asleep. I just wanted to lay down for a minute. I am getting so sick of losing my bike because some dirty ass piece of shit thief took it. How low can you go to steal a bike from a homeless person who is sleeping. To me, that is down right pathetic. Now I have a job (not for long) and I am at least motherfuckin' tryin' and some scum fuckin' ball is gonna come along and STEAL my bike. Well, at least they didn't take my drumsticks or my Key West Citizen shoulder bag that has everything I own which is not much but a couple shirts, a sweater and jacket. I still have my word(s) and balls but I'm just about out of patience with these motherfuckin' THIEVES!!! GOD help the worthless piece of shit if I find him ( I say him because I believe the chances of it being a her are very slim) on my bike. I don't believe in violence. It has never solved anything and to me, only escalates problems. About a week ago, I was working my corner, trying to sell newspapers. I walk up and down North Roosevelt and depending on how much traffic there is, I walk quite a ways from my bike and shoulder bag, maybe 200 feet or so. This one particular day, a week ago. I walked back to my corner, to NOT find my bike and bag. I thought one of my (Too Many) "street" friends were playing a joke on me. I walked across the street and asked my co-worker if he had seen anything and he said he had seen a guy put my bag inside of a red bag and rode off with my bike. So I asked him which way did he go and my co worker pointed towards Bayview Park so I proceeded to WALK to try and find this guy on my bike and low and behold this stupid, lying, piece of shit motherfucker is sitting in front of the Metro PCS with a chick with MY bike parked in front of him. I jumped over the barricade to cross the street to confront this waste of space. And he denied everything!! "No Bro, I didn't take your bike" Then I asked him "Then how in the hell did MY bike get in front of you? Did it fly over here? Then I saw the red bag and it was open and it had my World War 2 shirt inside his bag without the stripes showing and I told him "Look, I can describe what that shirt has on it without even seeing it to prove to you that that shirt is mine. It is a long sleeve shirt with Sargent stripes on it" I pulled it out of his bag and sure as shit there were the stripes I described. And the chick was shocked and believed in what I was saying. All the while the thief was denying everything. Then I asked him where my Citizen bag was and he kept saying "I didn't take your bag bro" Liars, cheaters and stealers go hand in hand. I explained to him that that bag is my livelihood and part of my job. Just tell me where my bag is and I won't call the cops. He STILL wouldn't tell me!!!! Whooping his ass just would of got me in trouble and then again I don't believe violence solves anything. I practice what I preach. I'm the nicest guy in the world unless you piss me off then I become the Incredible Hulk (the kids at Stanley Switlik called me that back in the 4th grade) the meanest son of a bitch you never want to meet. I have a furious, ferocious temper!! I don't fight, I fight until the death!!! O.K.... I walked around the corner of the building and found my bag empty with all the shit I had in it, discarded all over the ground. So I got all my shit back and filed a police report. I mean, I'm not a cop caller but I didn't want this piece of dirt to steal from somebody else. I mean if he had balls enough to take my bag and bike in broad daylight while I was working the corner, who knows how many other people he might steal from. So I figured at least I could give a description of the garbage and maybe they'll get him in the system and off the streets and take his ass back to wherever he came from. The "newbies" don't understand, we do things differently here in the Keys. O.K.......I was reading People magazine in the library today trying not to burst into tears while reading about the tragedy in Newtown, Conn and seeing the pictures and short stories of the innocent children ages 6 and 7 who were killed. They had a chance to realize their wildest dreams and then this mentally ill person with a gun (not a good mixture) had to ruin it for all of them. My thoughts and prayers go out to the families. I've kinda experienced the flip side, if you will, my father was shot and killed with a gun when I was just 6 months old. So I personally don't like guns. R.I.P. John Lennon and Marvin Gaye as well.(Both shot and killed by guns) I think they should ban assault automatic weapons, you don't need them and it takes all the fun and challenge from hunting. Leave them for the military. As far as protection, they have a deputy in uniform everyday at the Key West public library, why not at ALL the schools? And if you cry or even think about the COST. A childs' life is PRICELESS!!!!

O.K. that's my 2 cents for today.

Remember YOLO, make your life count for something, make a difference for the better of mankind before you leave this world behind.


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